
Femme Luxe - Jumper Dresses

by - Thursday, February 13, 2020

Hi guys!
I'm pretty sure Femme Luxe is not something "new" to you. You may have already heard of them whether it was on Instagram or my previous posts.
So we collaborated again and I'm here to show you what I chose this time.
I will split the items I got in two posts so in the next one, which will be tomorrow, I think I'll show a couple of options to use on Valentine's Day and include the two dresses I got from Femme Luxe.
These Jumper Dresses are the cutest! However I feel more confortable to wear them in public with pants or leggings underneath because they are really short. It's not the most thick material but it did keep me warm with this weather.
Overall I really liked them. Honestly one thing I really like about Femme Luxe is that they are always true to size. Nothing like AliExpress or Zaful because sometimes I order a S and it looks like a L, I mean...
Have you guys ever ordered anything from Femme Luxe?
Have a nice day ♥️

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