
Lover Beauty - Bikinis & Lingerie

by - Thursday, January 16, 2020

Hey guys!
I was contacted by Lover-Beauty to show you their latest Bikinis and Lingerie sets. They are basically an online shopping site that provides the latest fashion clothing for women.
They ship worldwide, the items are extremely cheap but you have to pay for shipping.
I wanted to start off by showing their bikinis for women which are so pretty guys! I know it's winter and we're a few months away from Summer but there's always a chance to travel to a country where the weather is warm. Also, who says we can't order now bikinis for summer, right? Anyway they have such cute bikinis with different patterns and even the simplest one's are adorable.
On another subject (but almost the same eheh) they also have the cutest lingerie online sets ever! I'm a lingerie fan but I'll always prefer all black everything I just think it looks way more classy. They also have a variety of lingerie to fit everyone's taste.
What about you guys, are you excited to start getting bikinis or is it too soon?
Have a nice day 

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  1. Nice bikinis!

  2. tenho pena não ter um corpo proporcional como essas... definitivamente mandava vir alguns... mas sempre que mando vir roupa pela net há sempre algo errado xD

    1. Às vezes tem mesmo a ver com os tamanhos das lojas online :D
