Portugal Fashion Day 2

by - Saturday, October 20, 2018

Hi guys! How are you?
It's been a while since my last post, sorry! But I've been so busy. I still want to show you my Paris pictures, which hopefully I will try to do it this week.
Anyway, I wasn't really planning on going to Portugal Fashion but this opportunity came up and I'm still grateful for it. I went to see CF - Cristina fashion show and OMG those shoes... I just can't, got my eye on some of them for sure.
I also wanted to show you the outfit I chose, pretty simple but also "all eyes on me" because I'm show off eheh.
What about you guys, did you see any of the fashion shows?
Have a nice day 

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  1. Gostei muito do look! :)


  2. Adorei ver o desfile da Cristina, estava tão giro!!

    Novo post: https://abpmartinsdreamwithme.blogspot.com/2018/10/os-meus-novos-tenis-puma-basket-heart.html

    Beijinhos ♥

  3. Estavas super gira.
