
Summer 2017: Vila Flor

by - Saturday, April 28, 2018

Hi guys!
Sorry, this post is old! As most of you may know, my PC is dead so for a long time I couldn't upload any posts. The good news is... I GOT A NEW ONE! Finally I can upload posts more often. I wanted to show some places I visited last summer because not all of you follow me on IG.

Starting with Vila Flor, it was the last place I visited last summer. After a lot of recommendations from friends and family, I decided it was time to finally visit the place sorrounded by beautiful vineyards and olive tree fields.
I stayed at the campsite for almost a week and visited the whole (small) town. I went in September, the weather was absolutely amazing! There's not really much to do in the campsite. There's a swimming pool, a coffee and a dam which is known as Barragem do Peneireiro that you can visit and has several workout equipments (it's really cool and fun). The town is really smal, you can visit it in two days. But the landscapes are increadible! I do not recommend you walk from the campsite to the town, it may seem close but it's not, it's better if you go by car or bicycle (your choice).

There's also a small zoo closer to the swimming pool that you can visit for free and see deers, peacocks and other birds.
Like I mention before you'll have to ride a car to everywhere, that's kind of annoying to me since here in Porto you can pretty much see the city on foot because everything is so close.
Since we stayed there for almost a week and in two days we've seen the whole town, we got in the car and went to Mirandela, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Mogadouro, Nossa Senhora da Lapa Mount and Praia Fluvial da Albufeira de Azibo.

Overall it was a great experience. If you're looking to save money or you don't want to spend that much it's a great place to visit. It's also a very religious town.
I'm sorry I didn't take that much pictures and the one's I posted are from the first two days and I took them with an Iphone and a Samsung. My friend took most of them, I think I was feeling so inspired with what was standing right in front of me that I prefered capturing everything with my own eyes instead of a lens.
That's it for today's post, I hope you liked it.
Don't forget (if you're not a follower already) to follow me on Instagram - @marianacheta.
Have a nice day 

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  1. tb ja estive ai ha uns anitos e ate gostei bastante!

