
Cardigan and Sweater from Dresslink

by - Monday, February 22, 2016

Now it is homecoming/ prom/ wedding season. Hope the online dress store below can help. Pink Prom Dresses at dressfashion.co.uk

Late last year I established a long term collaboration with Dresslink, for the ones that keep up with my blog you may already know that. But for the one's who don't - Dresslink is an online clothing shop that mainly sells women's clothes and accessories at very low prices.
This time I chose this amazing cardigan, which I fell in love with, and this sweater.
It's the second time I order things from Dresslink and I appreciate their quality in products and the time that it takes for the items to arrive. Besides, the prices are incredible! Everything is so cheap.

Have you ever ordered anything from Dresslink?
Have a nice week!

P R O D U C T S :

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No final do ano passado estabeleci uma parceria a longo prazo com a Dresslink, para aqueles que acompanham o blog já devem saber. Mas para aqueles que não sabem - a Dresslink é uma loja online que vende, principalmente, roupa e acessórios de mulher a preços bastante acessíveis.
Desta vez escolhi este cardigan lindíssimo, pelo qual me "apaixonei" assim que o vi, e esta sweater.
É a segunda vez que encomendo coisinhas da Dresslink e sempre correu tudo bem, os artigos chegam em duas semanas e com boa qualidade. Alem disso, os preços são incríveis! É tudo tão barato.

Já encomendaram alguma coisa da Dresslink?
Tenham uma boa semana!

P R O D U T O S :

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  1. Adorei o cardigan :3

    Ana ♥
    http://aruivablog.blogspot.pt/ N/POST

  2. Sweetie, Thanks for sharing this post :)
    Well, I never tried buying in dresslink, and I heard they were nice collections. I must try soon :)



    1. Yes, they have amazing clothes :)
      Have a nice day!

  3. Dresslink sell some pretty cool things! I have a few things from them over on my blog :)

    Isobel x

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