
#OOTD | Denim & Leather

by - Saturday, February 28, 2015

[Beanie - E-Bay | Denim Jacket - Pull&Bear | Plaid Shirt - Clockhouse | Leggings - E-Bay | Bag - Stradivarius]

Hello girls!
I hate cold rainy days. They make me want to stay in bed all day. Fortunantly, the rain stopped in the afternoon so I took a couple of pictures to show you today's outfit.
Today's look is almost dedicated to E-Bay Clothing, eheh. These leggings look so cute and were so cheap and also was the beanie.
Have a nice weekend!

Olá meninas!
Eu odeio dias frios e chuvosos. Deixam-me com vontade de ficar na cama o dia todo. Felizmente, a chuva parou durante a tarde e aproveitei para tirar umas fotos para vos mostrar o outfit de hoje.
O look de hoje é quase todo dedicado ao E-Bay, eheh. Estas leggings são tão giras e foram mesmo baratas, tal e qual como o gorro.
Tenham um bom fim-de-semana!

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