My Ideal Bedroom

by - Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hi girls :D
Estou com uma enorme vontade de redecorar o meu quarto. Estive a pesquisar umas fotos na net e a tirar umas ideias. Actualmente, o meu quarto baseia-se nos rosas e no branco, mas quero mudar porque já acho aborrecido. Nas fotos que pesquisei gostei imenso de ver a mistura o vermelho com o branco e com o preto e pensei em pintar duas paredes do meu quarto de vermelho, as outras duas de branco e o tecto de preto.
O que acham?

Hi girls :D
I have a huge desire to redecorating my bedroom. I've been searching some pictures in the internet to get some ideas. Currently, my room is based on roses and white, but I want to change it because I think it's boring. In the pictures I searched I really liked to see the mix of red with white and black and I thought I could paint two walls of my bedroom in red, the other two walls in white and the ceiling in black.
What do you think?


Beijinhos, Mariana 

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  1. Lovely decor :)

  2. Adoreeeeei! Lindas
